
Lumbar Strengthening in Chronic Lower Back Patients

Effect of Lumbar Progressive Resistance Exercise on Lumbar Muscular Strength and Core Muscular Endurance in Soldiers

The Clinical Effect of Intensive, Specific Exercise on Chronic Low Back Pain

Can Spinal Surgery Be Prevented By Aggressive Strengthening. A Prospective Study of Cervical and Lumbar Patients

The Effect of Lumbar Extension Training With and Without Pelvic Stabilization On Lumbar Strength and Low Back Pain

Correlation Between the MRI Changes in the Lumbar Multifidus Muscle and Leg Pain

Differences in Electromyographic Activity in the Multifidus Muscle and the Iliocostalis Lumborum Between Healthy Subjects and Patients With Sub Acute Chronic Low Back Pain

Effect of Roman Chair Exercise Training on the Development of Lumbar Extension Strength

Effective Spine Triage Patterns of Pain

Effects of Pelvic Stabilization on Lumbar Muscle Activity During Dynamic Exercise

Effects of Three Different Training Modalities On Cross Sectional Area of Lumbar Multifidus Muscle in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain

Electromyographic Analysis of the Lumbar Extensor Muscles During Dynamic Excercise on a Home Exercise Device

Evidence Informed Management of Chronic Low Back Pian With Lumbar Strengthening and McKenzie Exercise

Exercise in the Management of Chronic Low Back Pain

Low Back Strengthening for the Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain


One Lumbar Extension Training Session Per Week is Sufficient For Strength Gains and Reductions in Pain in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain

Paraspinal Muscle Changes After Single Level Posterior Lumbar Fusion

Pelvic Stabilization During Resistance Training

Rational Approach to The Treatment of Low Back Pain

Resistance Exercise Training Restores Bone Mineral Density in Heart Transplant Patients

Restorative Exercise For Clinical Low Back Pain

Romanian Deadlift Exercise on the Development of Lumbar Extension Strength

Strength Training Methods and the Work of Arthur Jones

The Effect of Early Isolated Lumbar Extension Exercise Program for Patients With Herniated Disc Undergoing Lumbar Disectomy

The Effect of Workplace Based Strengthening On Low Back Injury Rates

MedX Home Lumbar Device